The guilt and the grace are both in the car

The Babe’s teacher gets a little; ummm, how do I say this? Uptight. She was having her aide jump through a few hoops to ensure thatI had gotten her field trip forms filled out for Monday and her money in. It was funny because I had specifically asked when these things needed to be in by and been told Monday. I had the forms filled out but planned on the exact change before handing them in. The papers were all at home anyway so I told her aide I would bring it all this weekend an put it in her room or I would bring it Monday.  

But that is not what this entry is about.  This weekend I put the eight dollars in an envelope, got the paperwork and went up to the school to feed my fish, the theory being that I would drop off the papers and money while I was there.  I forgot to get them out of the car though and later I felt a twinge of guilt that I had forgotton. 

When I awoke the next morning, as I lie thinking about what I would do with my day, it all came to mind.  For a flash of a second I felt the guilt which was  immediately followed by this thought: The guilt and the grace are both in the car. 

The point that I saw with renewed clarity was God’s implementation of supply and demand. 

As God has set things up, before we fail (which we will) he has already filled what is lacking.  

Our need is evidence that something is missing.

His filling of our need, before we realized it was needed. is evidence that He is the thing that is missing.

And our faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. The marriage bed, if you will. The place where everything is laid bare and two vulnerable lovers give all with abandon.

The need did not come before the filling of it, as we tend to see it. Knowing this we can come before the throne with confidence. Throne, a place of authority. 

If I feel guilt I rejoice in God’s grace.

If I feel pain I know I am healed.

If I feel hated I know I am loved.

The list goes on. The guilt and the grace are both in the car. You CAN NOT have sin without grace. Sin is swallowed up.


In Sandy soil I plant this seed, If even only I do heed.


In death is life; won’t be denied, grown by tears of sorrow cried.


The truth is harsh, the babes are dead, I’ll hold mine closer in their stead.


It’s all I have and know to do. I don’t admit those lives are through.


I will not waste this plot of land, it will not wither ‘neath my hand.


Come here my Love, look in my eyes,


Do you know how dear you are to me….?

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April 9, 2013

RYN: You are exactly right only One that we can trust. (((HUGS))) back.

I think you have a lovely way with words. ~Anna

April 10, 2013
April 11, 2013

RYN: Now you can listen to that song every morning while you curl your hair.. for some reason it has stuck in my mind and I find myself humming.singing/whistling the tune all the time…

April 12, 2013

Ryn: Thank you. I keep coming back to just that…I am responsible for myself, for my self. You are a thoughtful, caring friend.

April 25, 2013

Great metaphor!