Acting innocent**

An interesting thing happened on the way from Whole Foods today. 

One of the two lanes available to drive in had construction and was coned off. The right hand lane. The one my car and several others were in. There were no warning signs that I saw. Suddenly the car in front of me went into the other lane and I saw the cones and realized that I needed to also. I looked to see if anyone was coming in the left hand lane and the guy behind was already turning into the lane, forcing me to wait, since in front of me were cones. 

Then he did a strange thing. Instead of going on he stopped, sticking out in the lane, which I was not sticking out into, and honked. So I went. In the left hand lane, waiting at the red light I looked in my rear view mirror and saw the guy. I raised my hand in the air at the frustration of the situation of the cones and questioningly, as if to say, "Why you gotta honk at me?"

He flipped me off.

I laughed and "waved". No I did not flip him off. I have to confess that my wave was not as friendly as my laugh, but I really did think his reaction was funny because I had not intended to pick a fight.

He flipped me off again. 

I just laughed and thought to myself that I would just drive very slowly when the light turned green. But when it came time I discovered that it didn’t matter any more and I really didn’t want to go slowly. Before very long he got far left and turned at a  different intersection.  I never gave it a second thought.

In a bit I saw a yard sale sign and asked The Babe if she wanted to go. She did. So I followed the signs, taking a left and then a right. But I had to go quite a way and I thought that they might have given up for the day. I noticed a silver van behind me that turned each time I did. I told The Babe that the lady behind me must be looking for the yard sale too.  We came to a dead end and turned around thinking that the yard sale was certainly no longer out, but then I saw it out of the corner of my eye. It was a small yard sale with a car in the way. A I parked I made a motion to the lady behind me in case she had not seen it. She was pulling up hesitantly behind and beside me. I opened my door and in a friendly voice, "Did you see it?"

She pulled up the rest of the way, her window down.  "What?"

"The yard sale. Did you see it?" Then because she seemed hesitant I added, " I thought you were looking for it too."

"No. And I know that you did not think I was looking for no yard sale."


She said somthing else as she drove away.

I was confused for a second and then realized that she had followed me all of the way from ‘the incident’. 

I marveled at all the emotions that ran through me as she drove away. She had been on the phone. It was a bit creepy. 

My favorite part was how when you are innocent you act innocent.  I don’t know what she thought she saw from her vantage point but I am pretty certain that she was full of all kinds of righteous indignation.  And I had the attitude of someone who had not done anything wrong. It must have startled her. Right?

I liked that I had hapy friendly thoughts going on because I was happy. And friendly.

I don’t know, it was kinda weird.


 In Sandy soil I plant this seed, If even only I do heed.


In death is life; won’t be denied, grown by tears of sorrow cried.


The truth is harsh, the babes are dead, I’ll hold mine closer in their stead.


It’s all I have and know to do. I don’t admit those lives are through.


I will not waste this plot of land, it will not wither ‘neath my hand.


Come here my Love, look in my eyes,


Do you know how dear you are to me….?

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April 12, 2013

Kind of an interesting story. Folks can really get their road rage on for the silliest reasons. Admittedly, if that had been me, in the city I live in, I would have been scared to death. Around these parts people literally kill others over such simple things. Thank God you and the Babe are fine and, I hope, found some great goodies at the yard sale.

April 12, 2013

I’m confused. Was the silver van the one in the ‘cone’ incident? Either way, it must have been a bit scarey to realize she followed you for…what?

April 12, 2013


April 12, 2013
April 13, 2013

:/ Just glad everything stayed smooth for you with nothing stranger than some frustrated people around you. 🙁

April 13, 2013

That’s scary.

April 13, 2013

That is odd. Perhaps she was behind the other guy and judging from the traffic pattern and the angle of his car thought you had been in an accident and left the scene, thus doing him a favor. Probably would have been helpful to get her facts straight. LOL!

April 13, 2013

Ryn ha ha, I forget the crazy English-isms. A chancer is an opportunist 🙂

April 13, 2013

That really is creepy and people need to learn to grow up if they’re going to get behind the wheel of a car. Road rage, flipping people off, following people … absolutely childish and unnecessary! Good for you for having clean hands in all of it! 😀

April 13, 2013

Perception is such an interesting thing. ryn: Yes. But I don’t like “redhead” any better to be honest.

April 14, 2013

Kinda weird and kinda creepy! Why did she follow you? Glad you are ok.

April 14, 2013

ryn: Oh no, I didn’t take it offensively. I know when most people say redhead they don’t mean it offensively, I just wonder how it became a part of our speech when it is truly referring to a temper that somebody with red hair has.

April 17, 2013

1) I wonder what terrible deed she believed you had done to warrant following you? 2) I wonder what she thought she was going to do when she did finally catch you? Have you noticed how people act very aggressive and down right nasty when behind the wheel, but if you and them were walking down the street, they’d never act that way/ Glad it just turned out to be nothing. People are crazy…

April 17, 2013

God that is weird. Yeah I like your style! Glad you are safe. What a weirdo…

April 17, 2013

Oh, those righteous indignationers! Gotta love ’em. Glad you had fun with it. I’ll admit, I probably would have given him a one fingered wave in return. lol

April 22, 2013

I wonder if she was hoping to follow you home. I’m glad that she ended up catching you at a random desitination. There sure are some crazy people out there.

April 25, 2013

Being yourself doesn’t require any intentional act, which makes it so genuine. You were innocent and The Babe experienced this first hand. I love it! And I’m glad I kept clicking on previous entries to catch up, so I was able to know what you were talking about.