Something that needs to be said and heard

Yesterday I wrote my first entry. It wasnt the best start but it was something I had to say about myself. My last entry’s title was “Sometimes I feel so alone” but I learned that I am truly not alone, there are other people in a very similar situation. I learned this from a someone who commented on the story about how i just need to find myself through all the rough times, they said “Maybe you just need to refocus your attention. Try living and doing things for yourself, for you own happiness” and you know what what they said is completely true and I think a lot of people need to hear it. My whole life I wanted to make people happy and by doing that I was sacrificing my own happiness. I wanted to make my parents happy and gave them what they wanted to hear, I couldn’t stand up against for myself against them, and to be honest I realize that I need… I need them to understand that I have a voice and it deserved to be heard.

The truth is, im not that person that wears long skirts, or shirts that dont show some of my stomach like my mom wants me to be. To be me I need to feel likeĀ me. I want to wear skinny jeans, skirts that dont go past my knees, shirts that hug my body. I dont wanna be the white girl that just wants every guys attention, no, I wanna be someone that can be able to express themselves and (I know it sounds funny but) I wanna feel powerful, strong, happy. I wanna help other girls to feel like themselves.

I want to say thank you to that person who has written what was great to hear, im not a super happy person but I want to be and they helped to get me on the path of being me. I hope that other people see this and read this even if its not super interesting (which im sorry if its not). I dont usually like to write on a diary but I dont know I guess since you can make this anonymous it make me more comfortable in saying all this cause being a female teenager kinda sucks LOL, but I want to live my life to the fullest that I can, I just hope that someday I will have the confidence to go and me completely me without losing that confidence.

Thank you to all that have read what I have to say, if anyone reads this, I also apologize that this is incredibly long.

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July 16, 2020

OMG! I am so speechless. I never really thought how my words would mean a thing. I am just so glad you know. Yesterday I felt like I could hear drops of water while reading your story. Now I feel like I am holding onto some coconut tree while reading it. Feels like waves of revenge saying, ” Hey world It’s payback time!” and it’s nicešŸ˜Š I could feel the positive vibe here. I know you can do it. And I am hoping to hear the progress soonĀ šŸ˜Š

July 16, 2020

@justvisiting I lot of the time I cant control how I feel and sometimes its just so deep it doesnt stop, but hearing the words that you have given me really help me get through things and I am really thankful for it!

July 17, 2020

You do you. šŸ™‚