“Here we Go”

Hey Kid.

It has been a hot minute since I have written in one of these things. Wish me luck.

So I’m laying here in bed. You are sleeping with your back up against mine. Our ancient dog is sleeping at our feet. Were in a twin sized bed at your Nana’s house because she doesn’t have a bigger guest bed, and you hate the Pack N Play. Granted, you are too tall for it. We will need to figure something else out on our next trip here.

Anyways, I was just searching for the symptoms of early menopause (because I’m terrified I am in it), and it dawned on me that there is a lot I want to say to you. I’m paranoid I won’t get the chance to for some unforeseen reason. So I’m going to start trying to type out random thoughts and lessons I think you need to hear. Just remember that while you’re over there reading this, rolling your eyes, that I’m doing this out of love.

Which brings me to my first and most important thought:

No matter the person you grow into, you’re my everything. I love you unconditionally and I’m proud of you. I will always have your back, so long as I’m breathing. No matter what happens between us and no matter what you do in life:
I will love you more than anyone on this planet. I’m so proud of you.

Boring and probably redundant, I know. But you have the geekiest of moms. Deal with it.

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