Toddler Shenanigans

Hey kid,

So I screwed up. Tonight, the white noise machine was driving me bananas. So I grabbed it before you fell asleep and turned off the noise. You saw this, and now sit next to me playing with it and the projector feature that you had previously been unaware of. It’s 10PM. We should both be asleep. If I try to take it away and say it’s time for bed, you go bananas.

The solution:
You started playing with the cord. I told you not to play with that, “It’s not safe.” Then unplugged it from the outlet. You don’t think I had anything to do with it. No screaming. I won this one. You’re still clutching the machine as you try to sleep though. Also, you keep saying, “I sorry,” even though I’ve told you multiple times it’s not your fault and that it’s alright. You’re such a sweet, sensitive kid.

No lessons or additional thoughts tonight. Just a story about sharing a room with you while we are visiting Nana.

I wish you everything.

P.S. Don’t worry, I took the cord away entirely. You’re safe. The machine is just a non-functional cube now. I plan to take it away as soon as you’re in a deep sleep as well.

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