peeping tom

we had a snow storm come through last night. i hate it. my wild guess is when spring comes it will be horribly humid and by the summer we will have a drought once again. 

last week when it snowed i got a text message from richie to be careful on the roads. i checked out our bedroom window(6:30am) just to see how bad it had snowed and to my surprise i see some footprints right outside my window. ppl usually walk back there as a shortcut but these footprints went from the fence all the way to my window. the girls broke our blinds on the corner so you can see in our bedroom if you looked hard enough. i played detective a bit and followed the footprints all way from our bedroom window to our back patio. there was snow shoe shaped prints on our concrete slab patio leading all the way to the back patio door. peeping tom turned into a complete creepo and tried to see if our patio door was unlocked. also, this peeping tom saw me sleeping alone. richie was asleep on the couch (its hard to wake him up if he falls asleep watching a movie with me) i called richie and told him. we called the apartment managers to let them know what happened. my mom suggested i call the police but i didn’t. i just didn’t think they would be able to do anything. we bought a door stick for extra security as well as nailed up a dark blanket on our window. its nailed all the way around. there’s a long waiting list for guns so i was thinking of getting a baseball bat with spikes nailed on the end of it. i’m looking into security cameras too.

my first experience with a peeping tom and i’m thankful we lock our doors and it was my window and not my kids.

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That’s creepy. 🙁

March 26, 2013

that is so creepy 🙁 i hope it doesn’t happen again anytime soon. you’re taking the right precautions

April 1, 2013

the fukk. i’d definitely make sure you have something within your home for security, like a bat. knowing myself, i’d lay out a board with nails through it and bury it outside the window so if they stepped up to the window, they’d get a nail in the foot. bastards. leave jessica alone!! >:|

April 16, 2013

hello beautiful. sorry to hear about that… it’s flippin creepy. I know I would feel super unsafe. *hugs*