My new obsession

So- this is my new obsession! My Keurig Coffee Maker…

Funny thing is- I am not even a “coffee drinker”. Sure- I’ll drink a cup if I’m at work and falling asleep at my desk, or if I’m kind of hungry but about to go workout, or if I’m extrememly hungover. But it’s definitely not part of my daily “regime” like a lot of people. Which is funny too, cause both of my parents are big coffee drinkers. I just never really got into it. I don’t like the taste (unless it has tons of sweetner and/or flavored creamer in it), it sometimes gives me the shakes, and it’s no good for you. Plus- as weird as it sounds- I have a lot of energy naturally. Maybe it’s cause I workout so much, but I’ve just always had a lot of energy without needing reinforcements..
So why do I love this new thing then? Well…on the rare occasions that I DO need a cup of coffee it only takes 2 minutes to brew myself a cup. And the flavored coffees are awesome!! but also you can brew your own stuff so I brew my cinnamon tea in it or my teachino. You can also just run hot water through for hot chocolate. And a lot of people say “it’s expensive” to buy the drinks…um 70 cents per drink is not expensive. Have you been to starbucks lately??
Is it sad that I’m obsessed? it’s the little things people J


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June 7, 2011

Random note: Love my Keurig. I wish I had one at work. I also hope they figure out a way to make the K-cups recyclable one of these days.

June 7, 2011

it’s def. an acquired taste… like wine 🙂

June 7, 2011

It’s an acquired taste that I acquired at age 13… which might explain my energy levels, come to think of it. It gives me the shakes too… it’s awesome. Do you have a little stand and everything for you packets? I don’t think the price is so bad, especially for a non-regular like you in the coffeeworld. The only thing that bugs me about those is the packaging… soooo much packaging! What I like about buying a pound of whole beans every couple weeks for me and the Alien is that it comes in one paper bag that I can just recycle. But I’m all about reducing my footprint 🙂

June 7, 2011

we have one at work and i use it to make tea and hot cocoa (i cant drink coffee, the caffeine drives me up the wall and then i crash really hard with a massive headache). its amazing! i love it!

June 7, 2011

omg.. i would be excited over that thing too!!

June 10, 2011

I have heard they rock! I don’t drink coffee either so we have never invested in one, but I do love tea and hot chocolate, so maybe it’s worth it! 🙂