The next thing

Good grief who is writing these themes of the week. Heavy much?

So kiddo’s birthday party got cancelled. I’m really sad but also ok with it. Just a lot of prep and love that went into it, but better to stay safe.

We also had theatre tickets and those are cancelled. A few other things on the calendar too.

Ive made up a rough schedule for the kiddo and I since we’re gonna be tucked up together for the next little while. I’ve been feeling really anxious and sad about a lot of stuff and my husband? Bless his heart, but he’s not helping at all. While he looks at the data and sees the exponential growth he’s also like ‘uh huh.. yes.. ok I am gonna just do my own thing’

i can’t really put into words how frustrating it is. I’m not even sure why I’m mad? Like i get it, you want to go into work cause you’ll get more done. But this is bigger than just you and it doesn’t matter if your work is small. How can you not see the bigger picture here?


I dunno. I mean, we’re in Canada and generally Things are much better here than elsewhere. But still, you know? Like, the oil changes HAVE to be done this week?

And it’s kinda triggery cause it reminds me of when the kiddo was small. I had super bad post partum depression and husband… didn’t handle it well. Or at all? He’s a really good person. A really great husband. Until I’m anxious or sad and then he just.. wants to ignore it and hope it goes away. Which.. KINDA SUCKS.


I bought a new tarot deck. Decided I want to get back into it.

we’ll see what tomorrow brings. Just keep doing the next right thing, right? Yup.

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March 15, 2020

Aw… keep at it love. 🙂 At least your child knows they are loved. Your hubby sounds a little nervous when you have your sads…. ooh.. a new tarot deck! 🙂 Nice!!

March 16, 2020

Sorry about the kid’s birthday party being cancelled…maybe you and the kid and the husband can order in something and watch a movie?

March 16, 2020

@jaythesmartone my daughter could not be more thrilled at the idea of two week spent inside the house with mum. 🤣 if anything she was DELIGHTED she didn’t have to ‘see friends’.