There are no fairy tales in space

i was thinking today about books, and fantasy and sci fi.


Theres this episode of phineas and ferb (a kid’s show, but very sweet) where they go to a con and it’s divided down the middle with fantasy nerds on one side and sci fi nerds on the other. Ultimately they all learn to get along and yadi ya, cause it’s adorable.

And I do appreciate sci fi. I think that there’s a lot of interesting stuff going on, and certainly the inclusivity movement within sci fi is fantastic and interesting.


Bur at heart? I’m a fantasy nerd. And it’s because I really really love alternative fairy tales. I love snow maidens and owl kings and warnings about wandering through the woods. I love wolves that turn out not to be the baddies and dragons who kidnap maidens because they assume they’re baby dragons.

And it got me thinking, cause can you capture that feeling in space? Is there a way to retell a fairy tale in space? Or is the idea of sci fi so tied to the loneliness and preciseness of living in such dire circumstances make it impossible?

I don’t know. I would like to! And I would like to explore it more. Which might mean I pick up a pen, but no guarantee.

My plan next week was to hit Costco with the little. But new plan, she’s gonna hang with my husband at home and I’ll go early in the morning alone. It’ll be nice, I can run some errands. Maybe I’ll mull over the question of fairy tales a bit more.


(And yes, I read the lunar chronicles! They were fun. And a good retread of popular stories, but I don’t know that they captured the fairy tale quality. Mm)

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March 7, 2020

Let me know when or if you are going to Costco…I love that place…..