Moving right along……

Life is moving right along. I reworked the “Towing Stories” until the story made a circular whole then took it off to class.

After lunch I started on those cards and grandkid checks again. The holiday cards were half done when my youngest called to see if I could work for her while she went to court. She had been subpoenaed to speak at a trial against the guy who beat up Marie, the eldest. Marie recanted that she had been beat up. We knew this would happen. Then Lenora called again…a new DA…new info….maybe yes, maybe no.

I did cards to the half way point, walked to the airport, ate out, and Lenora called once again to say that the “clearly unprintable opinions here” had plea bargained his way out of a second tour in jail. He just got out of jail from a year stint for beating up his wife. Now he is on probation and free out in the world for beating up my daughter. How did we know this would happen.

Off to work now to generate more towing stories. Let’s hope the transit people aren’t striking. There is a high tide of 12 feet that I will miss. Darn it. So far nothing on the news about the strike but lots about the tides…….life is circular and hopefully keeps moving right along today.

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December 11, 2003

Im sorry the a**hole didn’t get put back in jail. I wish your laws were better there. Hope you have a great day. xoxo

that darn strike! wish it would have stayed in L.A.

December 11, 2003

It always does. Good to hear that your cards are half done. Sorry about the plea bargain.

December 11, 2003

The releasing of the a-hole sounds typical of our current legal system. Sad.

December 11, 2003

how could they let this guy walk?? legal system stinks sometimes.

December 11, 2003

I would imgaine it’s pretty difficult to send someone to jail if the abused won’t testify…am I undertanding this correctly?

think of it this way: that asshat has been let off the hook this time because there is just desserts awaiting for him that are bigger better and more permanent. and i don’t mean cheesecake 🙂

December 11, 2003

Plea bargaining should be outlawed. It should be illegal. It’s as simple as that. Anyone who beats up on a woman deserves to have his hands severed. Forgiveness? of course, but nothing says the forgiven get to get away without paying for their indescretions first.

December 11, 2003

My friend P just went thru something similar with the man who was her sister’s significant other & caretaker…right…long story but bottom line she died due to his neglect and P & her brother prosecuted …he received 3 consecutive terms totalling 45 years…Thank God… Your poor daughter…doe she have any other recourse. Warm Hugs…..

Doing cards here too. Hugs and Smiles

December 11, 2003

I’m so sorry to hear this. I’ll keep you and your daughter in my thoughts.

December 11, 2003

i have a few pics posted….take a look. to me it’s a big deal as i’ve never done it before.

December 11, 2003

We see this time after time after time. Our officers arrest them and they are out before the officers get back out on the street. Then the judge slaps them on the hand, say don’t do it again and turns them loose.

The mills of the gods grind slowly but they grind exceedingly sweet or what goes around,comes around. Not to worry, he’ll get his in due time (and then some.) In the meantime, glory in the sunshine and the love of a good man. (((CarriE))