Survival 101

I’m to the, “I don’t care what anyone else says, the only way I will survive this season is by eliminating things.” Survival 101. Watch me.

Eleven of the dear, sweet thirteen grandkids are not getting cash, they are getting checks. Everything now can be done from the comfort of my computer chair. The oldest is off in basic training….she calls it boot camp and who am I to argue. She got a card and cash. Early. The next to the youngest will be here on the 21st.

Oh yes, we have found a solution to the holiday party morass. We are blessed with a few friends, but most of them now live out of town. We have close friends in the program here, and we have Lenora and Mohave. Every Saturday until Christmas we will have two people to a light supper and a trip around town to see the lights. Why only two? A modern convertible will only hold two.

Tuesday is walk, do cards, email, checks, then eat out and go with G to his MRI at six tonight.

Wednesday is walk, class, work on cards and email, eat home.

Thursday is work…….nuff said: leave at 0615 and home maybe at 1830. Dinner out?

Friday is work………..quite enough said. Dinner out?

Saturday is the museum, the first two guests for dinner and lights, and Sunday there is dinner at Ducks and the Parade of Lights.

I’m only writing this so I will remember later. There is that chance I won’t, you know. For despite lots of practice in Survival 101, I seem to complicate keeping it simple.

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I’m trying to simplify also, otherwise I’ll go bonkers.

December 9, 2003

I am in the simplify camp too; although, it’s all still a pain in the patootie!

December 9, 2003

What a terrific idea! I wish I was close enough to go on the light tour with you-I bet it’s gorgeous! I think simple is the best way to go. xoxo

December 9, 2003

Your solution to the party thing sounds great. I like that idea. 🙂

AS much as I love Christmas, I dread the coming of December and all of the “stuff”. enjoy your two by two’s. CarriE

Excellence as always! The only ones I plan to drive around to see the lights this year are our two selves and the two dogs ; ) Yep, really, they love to go! LOL Hugs & Smiles

December 9, 2003

Yeah, I seem to have a knack for complicating keeping it simple. Sigh. However, the plan sounds quite good, so I’m glad you are using this handy dandy mnemonic tool here so well! Hug.

I don’t do presents anymore… haven’t for three years… it’s weird, but I’m happy with the change. Christmas, it seems to me, is an area ripe for simplification. You know?Thanks for your sweet notes today. Yes, I do sort of yammer on (and on and on and on), don’t I? It’s a pleasure to meet you, Georgette.

December 9, 2003

Sounds like a peaceful holiday and quality time with everyone. We also gave our children checks for the holidays. So much simpler.

December 10, 2003

ryn:i liked the indignation too. did i read correctly? you have 11 grandkids? WOW!

Efficiency with common sense wins *smiles*

December 11, 2003

RYN: Your brain is fine; I am rather obscure sometimes. I have been in the process of some onion layers coming off and revealing a gay woman. The man thought he was married and settled for life. So that’s what I’m writing about there. Hugs.

December 11, 2003

I don’t need to worry about it. My schedule is: work, sleep, work, sleep, work, sleep……… only issue is avoiding the cookies and candy customers gift us with. I wish I could go to the parade with you.

December 11, 2003

Simplify…that’s the answer!….When do you start your school break? I leave for my son’s in Jackson Hole on the 16th and return the 23rd for Christmas with my grandkids…LOL 🙂 We return to campus on the 5th of January….this is really a great break this year! Warm Smiles…….