a load of dishes a day leaves your hands all dry.

Work is done. It was a short one this time and to be honest we’re considering it a failed experiment. Too hard to work nights full time and take care of the baby the rest of the time. No sleep. I don’t do well on night hours anyways. In addition it turns out I have gallstones, so I’ve been a fair amount of pain and the result of all this is that my house is a disaster, my daughter has not been receiving the level of care I want her to and my relationship is near non existent because how can you be with someone you never see.

So back to business as usual. I’m going to start dabbling in some crafty hobbies that I had put on the back burner, and we’re saving money and getting ready to go visit my family so I have plenty to keep us busy. Plus doctors appointments. Always the doctors appointments.

Super Brace Pushing Mom Day 1- So far so good, She has been wearing it since about 8 this morning. Only cranky a couple of times and I think it might have been more because she was tired than anything else. Either way I put her down for a "break" each time. This means she goes to her crib and calms down with some music and her mobile. Sometimes her doggie toy. Tonight will be a real test. Can I handle the constant waking up and fussing? Probably not, but I’m going to try. It’s better that she wear the thing all but between 3 and 8 am. Better than we’ve been doing.

I’m worried her foot is already turning back. So I’ve decided we’re recommitting to the brace. I mean for real. I’m so scared she is going to have issues her whole life because I’ve been slacking. I can’t have that.

In other news, there is no other news. I’m boring and bored. More dishes.










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