what?! what?!

I have literally not been able to sit at this computer in months.  Ok, thats sort of a lie. I guess I could have but I just have not wanted to.  I’m working full time, I love my job, I am busy in the evenings taking care of Molly and the house.  Today is my first day off that isn’t also one of M’s days off. So little Miss Molly is napping and I’m checking out some of my old haunts.  A bit disappointing really. I don’t feel like reading months worth of journal entries to catch up on everyone.  I don’t feel like being in Second Life for anything more than logging in and checking out old messages. I have no friends there really anymore. When you’re not around people tend to forget you. I don’t blame them. I just had real life stuff to do. If I’m not enjoying my life what kind of person am I? A sad internet person. I used to be one of those. It’s not nice. So….I’m bored on the computer. I might play me some DDO but honestly sleep is sounding better.  

The other thing is, I keep thinking that keeping a journal is a good idea and I keep trying (on paper too) but it never seems to hold my attention.  I think it’s important more for my emotional development than for any posterity reasons.  I just get so side tracked and forget to write, or if I have nothing interesting to say, I just don’t say anything.  So quick updates:


Crazy neighbors downstairs all were evicted. They didn’t pay their rent.  SHOCKER.  So now we are the only people in the building, and one other couple that we rarely see and don’t care about.  In fact, the whole complex is fairly empty. They evicted a bunch of people.  I don’t think things are going so well for the owners. But I don’t care because he’s kind of a slum lord anyways.  We’re out of here in a few months.  

Cruise coming up in Nov.  working extra hours whenever possible till then.  Saving the monies so we can gamble and drink and play on the boat.  Yes, I said it.  That’s what we’re going to be doing. Don’t judge me.

Did you know I have THREE log ins on OD? I didn’t until today. I should probably check out the other two, who knows what gems could be there.  

Molly is almost 16 mos now. She is better than ever. Not walking but what with the club food it’s no surprise.  She is standing a lot and has a new brace to help with the walking so we are crossing our fingers for soon.

M is at his same job and is enjoying it. He keeps looking around for another, but only because he wants to be making more money. I think he needs to relax because I’m working now. We are by no means rich, but we are better than we’ve been in two years. We’ve got some catching up to do then we’re golden.

Those are the headlines. 

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