
 I went to the bank today and was very disappointed because she told me she couldn’t get me the loan. So now I don’t know what I am going to do……………….
Actually I think I will call each "person" I owe money to and explain to them that I do plan to pay them but it will take time. Maybe they can lower my interest rates. They will just have to be patient……………Hubby will be gone for the weekend so that’s when I will make my calls. Thank goodness I cut up my cards. At least I can’t make more debt.
This weekend is my friend’s unveiling. My friend from Ottawa called. I haven’t heard from her in awhile. She will probably be coming to town for the unveiling. I hope she doesn’t ask me to stay here. What will I say??????? That I am going to the country……………..she does have other friends in town……………..
I finally have a deadline for the scrapbook I am making my son and his wife. September 24th. It will be their first anniversary present! So now I really have to concentrate on finishing it. I have all my supplies on the dining room table so I have no excuse not to work on it. So little by little! I will do it and she will be thrilled with the results.
I have been going swimming almost every morning.
I am almost finished reading THE FAR SIDE OF THE SKY. Very interesting – it’s about the Jewish people who escaped HITLER and went to SHANGHAI.
So I had a three hour nap. Now we are going for supper. Have a great night.

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