Today I had a great day. I didn’t rush to get up although I was up by seven. I had breakfast and then went out shopping. I decided to make mock choped liver for lunch. I needed to buy mushrooms, onions, eggs and nuts. I made enough for during the week.
I also went to Joanns to buy some buttons. I want to try a new project and couldn’t find buttons at the Dollar store. The idea is to blow up a ballon and then to glue on buttons. After you think there is enough you break the balloon. You are suppose to be left with a pretty 
bowl. I’ll let you know!
After lunch we went to the pool for a few hours. We met some friends and talked. 
Tonight we played bridge with another couple. Now my eyes are tired so it’s time for bed.

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I’ve seen that craft on Pinterest! Yes, Let us know how it goes!

November 17, 2012

sleep well…tomorrow is another day. hugs p

November 18, 2012

I gotta check that out.

Wow, the button balloon sounds like fun. I wonder if I should try this project with my grandkids? :*) I am glad you are enjoying yourself and really happy you had a great day!!!!! love, bighugz.

November 18, 2012

Can you post the recipe for the mock chicken liver again? I know I asked you before but I forget to write it down…thanks.

November 18, 2012

Interesting idea for a bowl. Have a great day. Love,

November 18, 2012

That’s sounds like fun! I saw one on Pinterest that does the same but with a lace doily and it becomes a tealight holder. I pinned it. RYN – I am reading a few books at the moment…11/22/63 by Stephen King, Little Women, The hobbit with #4 and another I’ve forgotten the name of. Too lazy to go find it and look! Have a great day.

November 18, 2012

When I have gone to the thrift stores in town or the Hospice stores I have seen jars of old buttons. You might want to check in some of those places and you wouldn’t have to pay that much and you would get a nice variety of shapes and sizes. Your project with the buttons sounds neat.