I had such a wonderful day with my grandson.  For the first time in a long time I went to his mother’s house. We played some games. After his Mother came home we had a very pleasant evening. I felt a bit apprehensive as I hear such horrible things about her but with me she is always friendly and respectful. She made a delicious supper and we had a great time reminiscing. I think I will now do it more often. It is easier to take my grandson there than bring him back to my house. Coming here it is at least a half hour or more. I get to see what his life is like the other week – when he is not with my son. I have decided to keep my relationship with my ex DIL undercover although I won’t lie. I think it’s better for everyone concerned.
I didn’t speak to my cousin or friend today. Hopefully all is well. I needed a break. I guess I’ll call them tomorrow.
Tomorrow I take my granddaughter and then I will be finished. They will all come here Sunday but that should be relaxing and fun. Instead of MINUTE
 TO WIN IT I think I will create games where the three of them will have to work together. I don’t want any competition.
I did finish my scrapbook. YEAH!!!!!!!! I have some things I wanted to include but I will just put them in the box with the scrapbooks. I made two of them as there just wasn’t enough pages/room in one. It’s a big relief. I will now gather the pictures I want to work with in Florida.
So time to sit and relax. I started to count the money I saved for the trip to Florida. I am close to six hundred dollars. I still have bills stuck in the bottle. (How can I get them out easily?) I also have change which I have to count. Hopefully it will come to around 1000 like last year.
Please forgive me for not keeping up with your diaries. I will try to do better.

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$600, that’s great! I don’t have any good ideas about getting bills out of the bottle, sorry! That’s great that you and your DIL got along well!

October 19, 2012

Sometimes we get busy with more important things. I am glad you are enjoying being around your family. I love being with my grandchildren. Enjoy them while you can. Love,

October 20, 2012

Glad you were comfortable with the grandkid at his mommy’s house. It is a great relief to you and probably her as well. Perhaps you will be able to become real friends over time.

October 20, 2012

ryn: baby is due Nov 17th! It’s quickly approaching! ahhh 😉

October 20, 2012

Christen a ship with it! Sort of. RYN: 🙂 I’m glad you added me, in spite of my snake. I’m adding you too.

October 20, 2012


October 20, 2012

funny how our views of others are often skewed by the opinion or their own relationship and those things cover so many other aspects. Be careful that she does not sell you out at any time for being there. hugs

In reading this, my hope is that your ex-DIL remains kind and respectful towards you. I’d like to think that as a mother, she truly appreciates the fact that you love her son as deeply as you do, and that you spend such quality time with him. I think you’re a very, very wise woman to recognize the need to keep a positive relationship with your ex-DIL. In too many of today’s families,divorce has caused an unnatural and unhealthy separation of children from the love they deserve from grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. Keep up the good work and don’t let anyone tell you any differently 🙂