Today I’ve been thinking that I better be grateful that my hubby stays with me. I know that I am not a bed of roses. He has to put up with a lot…….my spending and my moods.  I always just think of my side. Today I was thinking of him. I am lucky that he puts up with my moods which are not good and many.

I will try to watch my moods but I am not going to change them. It’s the real me!!! I will just try not to allow my moods to take over especially when others are around. When I m not in a good mood I will stay alone. Just as I did today. My daughter went to the pool and told me there was noone there. I wonder where everyone was. I know it was cold!!!!

In a few minutes we are going to hubby’s cousin for supper. I WILL BEHAVE!!!! IF I HAVE NOTHING GOOD TO SAY I WILL REMAIN SILENT – JUST LIKE MY MOTHER TOLD ME.

I made up with my daughter. Thank good ness.

Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving – now the rush to Christmas.

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November 28, 2013

I am pleased to read that first paragraph. hugs p

November 29, 2013
November 29, 2013

Glad you’re coming to grips with who you are, but not thinking about changing. Your family loves YOU. Not a sanitized version. Take a breather.

December 1, 2013

I think Joe has put up with a lot from me, too. And still is!!!!! hugs, Nicky

December 5, 2013

Well Happy Thanksgiving and Merry CHristmas happy Chanukkah to you too. (Sorrymy spelling is off)