We had a very pleasant evening last night! I invited my cousin and her husband and my sister-in-law and her husband for supper so they could see my daughter. We were only seven. It was easy for me. My daughter helped me prepare supper, that is she helped by clearing off the dining room table etc.
During the day I went swimming and then to stained glass. My piece is coming out great! I am very impressed with myself and I think my teacher is also!!!!! I’m not doing standard work like everyone else and I think he finally thinks it is good. 
After I finished at the clubhouse I came to get my daughter. We went out for lunch and then to TARGET. I bought a bunch of stuff but while we were having coffee I went through everything and got rid of some stuff. I bought a bathing suit which I have to try on. I bought one book………don’t ask me the name. I think it’s in my daughter’s room.
We came home from TARGET around four thirty. I had to race around like a mad woman but as I wrote my daughter helped. I had everything defrosted so all I had to do was put stuff in the oven and on the stove.

chicken soup
barbecue chicken
pot roast
cabbage rolls
potato kugel
sweet potato kugel

I thought I had way too much but I didn’t. After supper I did the dishes. I didn’t want to leave it until everyone left. I just emptied the second load from the dishwasher. We chatted until about ten. By then I was exhausted because I didn’t have a nap.
So tomorrow I have about ten loads of washing. Hopefully I can’t use all the machines on each floor in the morning. In the afternoon I’ll be playing Mah Jongg. My daughter will be taking my car and going to visit her friends. At night we’re going out with old friends.
No plans for Sunday. That’s ok. I will go swimming in the morning and then relax at the pool in the afternoon.
Take care everyone.

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December 28, 2012
December 28, 2012

Sounds like a great time and good that daughter helped to keep the stress level down. WooHoo on the purchases at Target!

December 30, 2012

It sounds like you had a nice visit with your daughter. That was a big meal that you planned. It also sound like you had some delicious foods to serve. I hope you are able to get some rest soon.