It has been snowing and blowing all day. Normally I wouldn’t have gone out but I needed to take a blood test. So I drove to the hospital and had the blood test. It was hard parking and I had to park in the third parking lot—–yup it’s a big hospital. I parked as far away from the entrance as I could—not by choice that’s for sure. Then I took out money from the ATM machine. I bought some chocolate bars…..Oh henry and Crispy Crunch….my two favorites. After a fasting blood test I always eat some chocolate. I am diabetic so don’t eat any during the rest of the year. I had breakfast in the hospital and then I had to go to a funeral. Friends from the campground were visiting Israel and the man dies. SO SAD!!!!!!!! After that I did a bit of shopping and went to visit my mother. I didn’t stay too long because of the snow. I am home now, had green pea soup for lunch and after checking my email I will go for a nap. Catch you later.

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