TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 2003 – ok

Here I am on the way to Victoria and Vancouver with my son, his wife and grandson. So far so good. Grandson has been a perfect angel. Sitting beside a woman from Australia whose been travelling alone six weeks. I wish hubby would have come but he just doesn’t like flying. I’m doing ok. How will I feel when I’m not going to son’s anymore? OK! I hope! I have so much I want to do – clean up the house and do some large paintings.
1. paint canvas green – drop nature on – trees, stones etc.
2. Colour cotton balls and drop on canvas.
3. Make a painting with string.
4. Drop glue all over. Collage all types of things.
Grandson is up. How will he be?
Am I the only one who would not want to give her life up for anyone. After all we only go around once and I want to live as long as possible.
Only 300 left. Spent 200 already and trip not even started. Sure hope they deposit my mother’s money soon. Probably Thursday!!
Boy!!! My mother acted so like her on Sat. She didn’t want to eat so slapped me away and told me to get away. I wonder just how much she understands.

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November 12, 2006

I love Victoria…so much to do and see…so darn civilized for a city. Vancouver is too big for me…I don’t have the street smarts. I imagine Toronto is worse.

Enjoy your trip! 🙂

November 12, 2006

Victoria is one city I hope someday to go visit…huggs

I hope you enjoy your trip, those plans for the canvas sound good, I love art too, its such a great way to express yourself xxx