We are waiting for my daughter to arrive from Toronto. It seems to be taking her an extra long time but I guess that’s because we are waiting! She left Toronto after four. It takes atleast six hours……….. I had a nap on the couch so I am not too tired.
Today was busy. My cleaning lady came. I did some cooking for Passover. I made meatballs, brisket and a tongue. We organized the Passover dishes etc. I have one pot left to clean. The pot from the meatballs always seems to burn a little.
I went out for awhile. I went to the mall across the street. I bought some food for my daughter and her boyfriend even though I am sure they will eat out a lot. Hubby says I shop when I’m bored. It could be but I know they will want tp eat when they arrive. I also needed candles from the dollar store and some meat from the butcher. I sat down for awhile and had a coffee and a cupcake. I read my book…………..SHOEMAKER’S WIFE. It is very good. I highly recommend it.
Hubby had party sandwiches for supper. I had a toasted bagel with some almonds. I am not sure if I will eat something when the kids come or not. Usually I don’t eat after supper.
My washing machine wasn’t working today. I made an appointment for Tuesday afternoon. We’ll be preparing for the second seder so we will all be home. I hope it’s an easy fix.
Still snow on the ground. No big deal. I finally brought up my boots today.
Going to read my book and continue waiting. My daughter’s 
boyfriend doesn’t drive…………………….so she has to do all the driving. Will he ever learn to drive? Somehow I doubt it.

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March 22, 2013
March 22, 2013

hope they get their soon!

March 22, 2013

Just read that book. liked it a lot. It seemed to have realistic romantic view of relationships.

March 22, 2013

I have heard of that book, it does sound interesting. Well done on the food preparations…..and the family will be there soon. Enjoy. hugs p

March 23, 2013

Unless there’s some medical condition that prevents him from being able to drive, I wouldn’t recommend her continuing the relationship with this guy! Just seems to me like a man who can’t drive a car probably has a whole list of things he requires someone to do for him! (Of course, if it’s a medical condition and she really loves him, that’s different….) hugs, Nicky

I hope the washer is an easy fix. We do way too much laundry at this house not to have a washer.

RYN: You’re on the “keep” list. 🙂