First night Im not in Georgia in a month & 11 day

Well, thats right! Im not in Georgia..I am currently at my grandpas in North Carolina, and tomorrow morning, me, my mom and sister are heading back to Indiana, and Jimmy,Kenny and Angel are heading back to Georgia. I miss being there. It wasn’t as bad as it could have been, because my brothers are here, and that kindof eases me into the whole leaving process.I felt very sick during the car ride. When we stopped, I almost puked a couple times.But, I am OK. We went to some river rafting place, it was really pretty, but crowded, because there were a lot of people there. We only stayed for a little while. Then we arrived at my grandpas house, went out on his boat, ate at a buffet, which was really nasty. Right now, I think everyone has went to bed, and I think I am the only person up..I cant sleep. I am really sad, and missing someone very much. (I dont know if he wants me to put his name in my diary?)Anyway, like I said, I am missing him a lot, and Im pretty miserable. Hes just so great…anyway, I better stop talking about him before I get sad.

But like I said, we are leaving for Indiana in the morning, and I hear that its a 10 hour drive, which is going to suck very badly. But at least I can see my Chewbacca, which will ease some of my pain, and I can get back to my normal routine,which Im not sure if I am looking forward to or not. I guess I will visit Renee, since I hear she is sick, and maybe I can cheer her up =) Thats what friends are for.. I am starting school on the 21st.. I guess I am pretty excited, because last year was pretty fun, even though I did manage to make some enemies, but who cuur’s? Well, I’m kinda nervous about it because there are still a lot of people I dont know at that school, since last year was my first year there, but I will be ok. As long as I can be as wierd acting at school like I always am, and that I can of course,have fun.

I saw American Pie 2 is pretty funny, everyone should go see it. I also went to Wal-Mart *wink wink* and all that good stuff. Things have been going on besides today, but I cant write of them after they had happened for awhile, for some reason. I guess the experience has to be fresh.

I hear Chewwie had fleas, and had nasty spots behind her ears. But mom said she was getting treated for that today and hopefully I can see her tomorrow with her being in good health. I am going to be online a lot, I think, as long as is permitted. I have a lot of talking to do! I got to tell sara josh and casey bye today. There were hugs, and blah dee da, and Sara asked for my address. I didnt get to tell Marcus bye, but I told Josh to tell him for me, and I wonder if he did.(?) I am writing a lot because Im not on AOL, I am just on the internet and theres not much to do. But I REALLY wish I was on aol.. well anyway, my writing has been long enough for tonight, but I will surely write again soon. Cyaz!

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