I’m a survey whore

1. Who, at this very moment would you like to have next to you? Thats an easy question…and anyone who knows me at all knows THAT answer.

2. What, at this very moment do you have an intense craving to eat? Nothing.. I just ate some spaghettios *gag*

3. Whats the last TV show you watched? Umm.. something last night.. I cant really remember.. mostly I just watched MTV all night as they played the same videos over and over

4. What’s your favorite restaraunt? I usually eat fast food ,and I like Wendy’s.. I always get #6, the spicy chicken combo

5. What’s your favorite sexual position? Umm well..Im 16, and not horny.. so NONE

6. What do you absolutely hate? Finding hair on soap, and loud persistent noises when I dont feel like hearing loud and persistent noises

7. What turns you on? The “on” button. If you can find it,then you’re set!

8. What’s your favorite lunch? Some good food that I like.. I cant think of it right now because I am full and am not interested in food

9. Philosophy? If it was really an eye for an eye, everyone would be blind.. Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional…When you live life, then you become what you are

10. Favorite breakfast? French toast.. or a granola bar! Or hell, some cereal.. Im not picky

11. Favorite cartoon? Angry Beavers, Johnny Bravo, Sheep in the Big City, Dexters Laboratory

12. Favorite playground equipment? Bouncy horses (or whatever the hell theyre called… bouncy horses sounds retarded..forgive me)

13. Favorite jewelry to wear: my watch, necklaces…rings, toe rings, etc

14. Favorite inside joke: Marcus farted on “2”… Fernando da penguin is da sexy biotch! Jaime~ “POD”

15. Favorite Disney Movie: the emperors new groove

16. Have you ever won a contest? I dont really win contests that require luck.. I have won writing contests, spelling contests, and sports competitions, like track and basketball

17. Would you rather be deaf or blind? Id rather not choose..but if I was stuck with either one I guess Id have to live with it

18. What is your best quality? my..umm.. eyes.. err.. my ability to make people comftorable around me, and that, so I hear, Im easy to talk to.. and I keep an open mind and can understand people and their situations..also I am very sensitive to other peoples feelings…see?I didnt say that any of my best qualities had to do with my looks..isnt that amazing?

19. What is your worst quality? being jealous, paranoid, obnoxious at times..

20. Do you like to dance? Yes.. Im not suggesting that Im very good at it.

21. If you had a round trip ride in a Time Machine, when and where would you go? I would like to see myself in different stages of my life

22. If you could be invisible for one day what would you do? EVERYTHING! I wouldnt sit down for 2 seconds, unless something i was doing required me to sit down.. but i would be doing all sorts of shiz alllllllll day!

23. If you could change your name what would it be? I like my name.. its quaint. And if you dont like it, I dont cuur!

24. Have you ever thought you were going to die? Yes… when I fell out of a moving car when i was little..when i jumped in my neighbors pool and my life jacket came off and i remember seeing the water ,and gagging, and trying to stay on top of the water, but couldnt..but my brother jumped in and got me..and when i was in the road and a car came literally 3 inches away from me..when i had a kidney infection and couldnt even move..ETC, ETC.

25. One thing you hope to do before you die? Make a difference, and to finally be happy with someone who really loves me

26. What do you think about lesbians? Theyre lesbians..dont freak out or anything!

27. If you could smack one famous person in the head who would it be? Mariah Carey.. she used to be cool but now shes a whore who always has her ass hanging out.. i dont like whizores!

28. What is your deepest darkest secret? I cant very well tell you.. even tho I cant think of it as something I did, more like something that happened to me. But I did tell 2 or 3 people, and I dont talk to 2 of them anymore, so I feel stupid..and I will never tell anyone again, because it is very sickening to me.

29. Who understands you more than anyone? Some select friends..

30. Whats a smell you cant stand? Grits.. shit..

31. What tangible thing do you *NEED* next in your life? Hummm… let me get back to you on that

32. What was the worst thing you ever saw? Something on Rotten.com, with the intestines and shit.. i hate seeing stuff like that, it made me gag, when i can usually stomach a lot..

33. Least favorite relative: My soon to be stepdad..

34. Something that most people dont know about you? Im VERY sensitive

35. What was the worst thing you ever did? Saying very inconsiderate things a couple years ago…

36. Whats your favorite quote or phrase? ” What in the world would I sing for, if I had it all..”

37. What room is your computer in? One in my dads room, one in the living room

38. What did you have for dinner last night? Not a regular meal

39. Favorite time waster: Heh… he’s not a time WASTER, more like, a time spender.

40. If you couldve been born in anytime era what would it be? Now..because think of all I would miss, if i wasnt?

41. Ever been skinny dipping? nope..tho I plan on going someday… if i get the chance

42. Favorite video: im not sure..

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