My damn curse strikes again!!

Yesterday, I was sitting around, and blah blah blah.Then, me marcus and josh went to the old high school, and got on part of the roof and shiz. While we were up there, we heard sirens in the distance, so we all freaked out and started running. Well, bi-lo was nearby so we just walked there. Micheal was working, so we were trying to talk to him, and Marcus wanted to touch him or something in front of urvryone,but luckily Micheal had went outside and didnt have to deal with it. I think after that we went back to the high school, but then we went to dollar general,and me and josh got in trouble by some old lady because we were throwing this football around, and then I was walking around, and shes like “who are you hiding from?” and I just said, “umm nobody.i am just looking around.” Well anyway,I know thats not interesting. Oh yeah! We found this cart at Dollar General and Marcus pushed me around in it for awhile, and Josh went and got Marcus’s scooter and rode that! And Josh was also a duck billed platypus! Anyway, I got out of the cart but Josh stayed on the scooter,and we walked/rode to Wendy’s and he took it inside.Now Im moving forward in time..then me, jimmy, kenny, josh, marcus, and eventually micheal went to Donnies..the only thing we did was sit around and go ditch diving.And this is where the curse thing comes in.Remember that curse thing I said i had from seeing that ghost in the battlefield? Well, yesterday me marcus and donnie were going ditch diving, and I was fine, and blah blah blah. But I saw this vehicle coming, and I dove into a ditch.. I mean I DOVE.If I would have had a camera and recorded it, I would have been like “Damn,I didnt know I could do that!!!”Anyway,when I dove in I felt my hand hit some briars, and I didnt think much of it,but there was a slope, so I kept falling, and kept falling,and te briers got me URVRYWHERE!I couldnt even move, because if i did I would have fallen in more, or gotten more briers stuck in me. The only thing I said was “Oh my god..” until they came to help me. Well, Marcus helped me.Donnie just stood there like a little girl! (j/k)Well,when I got up I could tell I was bleeding,and marcus started to carry me but luckily Micheal and Josh had gotten bored and drove by,so we got a ride.I saw my legs, and I had/have cuts all over them.It was bleeding and shiz. I mean blizeeding! And it still stings.Then I had to put rubbing alcohol on it and it burned like a biznitch!Anyway, after that we went to Kmart, except Donnie because he wanted to stay home.It was too hard to walk, and it still kindof is,so Marcus carried me.Josh had this little cowboy hat on his head and almost walked out with it! I had to remind him as he was paying for his stuff!! Well, then we went back to Josh’s,and watched some TV and shiz, then they went to sleep and it was just me and marcus. At about 630, I came here and slept till 1130! Then I woke up, and that got me to where I am now. Well this entry is long as shit, so I shall be going now. Farewell!

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