Sick day

Today has been a day. Yes, yes it has. I’ve been terribly lazy, though I forced myself to be.

I left work early today (after an hour, yikes) because I was sick. There’s a nasty cold going around the office, but that’s not what I had. Nope, I basically had a shitty hangover (puking only, nothing else). I didn’t really drink much last night though, and I seem to get pretty sick whenever I do drink, unless it’s just beer. I’m not a big drinker or partier (at all!), but I do hang out with people who drink pretty regularly. It’s getting to the point where I don’t want to make my body sick anymore, and drinking is more of an inconvenience than anything. I just think my organs need a break.

So I left work early, cashed my check, and stopped by the store for some soup (not that I was really holding anything down, it was basically for psychological comfort). Came back here, lit some candles and took a nap. I feel better now and am happy that my living stipend I receive every 2 weeks is not dependent upon the number of hours worked within a "pay period". I spent  awhile on OD doing the random diary stumble, and came across a couple of people that are pretty good reads. I have been back for 5 hours and still haven’t changed out of my uniform… I didn’t do any tree planting and didn’t touch any poo water (we use reclaimed water at the tree bank) so I’m thinking it’s fine. Who wouldn’t love lounging around the house in a green polo and khakis? I feel like I’m on a tropical island.

Anyway, on to things that are (probably) more interesting.

I had a dream the other night I was at a fancy restaurant that must have been for cannibals because brains were a special item they were featuring! Everyone was in snazzy outfits and the place was really fancy. I tried some and remember dream-thinking, "Hmm.. these taste like avocados!". Oh, another thing: I recently started eating avocados (in real life). Do you think brains taste like avocados?

Paul makes fun of me sometimes for having dreams that are completely pointless and don’t resolve anything or have much of a storyline. I had a long ass dream the other night that someone took my computer, and I spent what seemed like hours convincing him that it was mine. "See, it’s registered in my name. And look! These are all of my old documents saved here." For reals.

I’m getting kind of frustrated. I don’t know where exactly things are with Paul, and I have 2 other guys who are way, way too persistent about dating me or whatever. Gah, I hate guys who are always up in my business and shit. I have the social graces of a moldy rag and am prone to wandering off without a word, and sometimes don’t get around to laughing at people’s jokes. One of the guys who likes me talks way too much and is basically the office clown, and having him around gets tiring (though I want to make sure I don’t accidentally offend him). Does this make sense? Basically I don’t like people all up in my biz. I like my space. (Not to mention Paul… just trying to take it one day at a time).

I’m also frustrated because I got an oil change at Jiffy Lube the other day and they’ing.complete. I don’t really feel strongly about my oil change one way or the other. I’m pretty okay with the fact that I don’t have these strong feelings, and wish Jiffy Lube would accept that as well.

I wish there were more interesting things happening around these parts.



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November 30, 2007

Well I guess it’s better than a day being a night — THAT would just be effed up! I’m sorry you’re sick, hon, and yeah, maybe a drinking break (or some detox tea) is in order. I doubt brains taste like avocados but then again, I wouldn’t know from experience. Maybe you should ask a zombie? Sorry about the situations with the guys and with Paul. And poo on Jiffy Lube! *hugs*

November 30, 2007

I hope you start feeling well. Ugh gosh I miss you.

November 30, 2007

I dont think braisn taste like avacados, I think more like squirels. But having never eaten a squirel… I wouldnt know. blehh being sick no fun…