The real story behind Dr. Suess..

As told by my friend Dan. — brought about my my paranoia of Dr. Seuss cartoons.. and also, the fact that old guys tripping on acid at raves waving around green glowsticks maniacally is a dangerous thing.


the devil: “i’ll give you the inspiration to write a successful line of children’s books, and some will even be cartoons, but you need to do something for me”

dr. seuss : “what’s that?”

the devil: “you must get an entire generation of kids hooked on X, and take acid at rave parties, and sell it to other people who will then take it”

dr. seuss: “I don’t have to sign over my soul?”

the devil: “oh yeah, that too”

dr. seuss: “damn. well, can’t have everything” ::pops an LSD::

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August 16, 2002

Hehehe! Damn.. I believe it!! =P Send ya a long ass email, by the way. I knew you were still away! Damn night owl! =P -Renee

very… interesting… that would however explain a LOT about the dr…. i wonder how many malpracitce suits he has filed against him??? anywho enjoi -spike

Ahh so that’s why everything is so messed up. very amusing.