
An obstacle is an opportunity.

Sounds so cliche… yeah, yeah, turn your obstacles into opportunities, blah, blah, blah, we all should do that.

But somehow, there it is–IT IS THE ANSWER!

Every single time I feel discomfort, it is an obstacle to my calm.  It might be simple or it might be huge; difficulty ripping plastic wrap without it sticking to itself, or feeling deeply rejected by my own mother, and wishing so much for her warmth.

Now, instead of analyzing the issue to try to find the answer, the issue is merely another opportunity to grow my faith, my smile, my peacefulness, my love.  I watch me, I guide me, I challenge myself.  I don’t even need to care what the issue is, because if I am working on my actions to grow my integrity, then the issue or obstacle will be handled in the best way, as a result of my seeing it as an opportunity.

Facing things this way helps me to remember the guidelines I am internalizing for who I want to be and how I want to avoid reacting.  It sort of turns each issue into a puzzle, with the "me" remaining the way I want to be, instead of thinking each individual situation does something to me.

It sets the guidelines within me, instead of outside of me.

  • Loving myself
  • Knowing I am valuable and worthy
  • Expecting and forgiving my imperfections
  • Loving others
  • Expecting and forgiving others’ imperfections
  • Knowing that we all have value
  • Dropping defense because there is nothing to defend against
  • Realizing that opinions, mine and others, are not reality
  • Gently observing
  • Choosing actions with thought and care for myself and others
  • Detaching when others have a need to damage themselves or me

Remembering that each time I feel uncomfortable, it is immediately an opportunity to practice, it becomes like a challenge or game.  I can settle in, and keep my ego emotions in check.


Okay, here we go!

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May 10, 2013

Sounds like a good plan, little steps and someday you will have internalized them so that you don’t even have to list them–they will be you and you will be them.

May 10, 2013

Oh, that`s interesting-making a game out of it all. Sure, I know an obstacle can draw the best of stuff out of us, just never thought of it as a game! Yay!Fun!