
Theories on why music is so important to me:>p>

1. Because it’s a new language, one I’m naturally in tune with. I like learning new things, especially if they speak to me. And beyond that, can I not write a song for you in a language you don’t understand and have you understand it? I surely can. Listen to Amarilli, Mia Bella and tell me you don’t know whathe’s talking about. Listen to K’lilat Hiyofi and tell me you don’t understand. Music speaks without words, but it surely is a language.

2. It helps me to define my feelings from emotions into words by giving me something more concrete to grasp onto with the emotional flow of the sounds. I just look at my feelings and feel out what song emobodies that, play it, and it helps me to understand myself a little bit better. Even though I often use lyrics to describe myself or how I’m feeling, it’s often the sounds more so than the lyrics that help me to put things into words.

3. Music is an art form, and at it’s highest it’s such a powerful way of giving a message. It’s one thing to tell someone you’re sad. It’s quite another to write something like “Something I Can Never Have” and play it for someone and say “This is how I feel.” It’s MUCH more powerful.

4. Well-developed music is a story. Not just lyrics, but the musical content backing the story. In a lot of ways the sounds themselves tell much more than the words ever will. But the words do help, yes.

5. Music represents other things. In some songs I can see some of the things I want most in life. In others I can see the opposite. In others I can see pure beauty. It’s hard to see these things in everyday life and it’s much easier to see them in metaphor via music.

6. Music reminds me of my memories. It reminds me and helps keep me focused.

7. Music, to some extent, takes the place of people. When I’m upset and I’m listening to a sad song (or a happy song) for that matter, it’s almost as if we have a relationship and we’re both understanding each other. I’m listening and feeling with the music and as time goes on I start to balance out (or tip wildly in one direction) because of what I’m listening to. Sometimes that’s a bad thing (like listening to really sad songs when I’m upset, that’ll amplify my mood quite a bit, but when I’m listening to something hopeful when I’m upset I’ll start feeling better. Music, to me, is very definately a relationship. And unlike people, music will always be there for me, even if I have to sing it or otherwise make it myself, it’s always available to me. People aren’t like that. Music won’t betray me, backstab or do anything else nasty to me either. It relies on me every bit as much as I rely on it; we’re symbiotic.

8. I can describe how I feel by giving other people songs.

9. I can relate to absolutely everyone on the planet simply because I can relate to all musics. I have something in common with absolutely everyone because of music. I have something I can agree on and relate to others with because of music.

10. Music is alive. It lives and it breathes just like people do; it just does so in a different way. Languages have their own tones and personalities and life and music does, too. It reminds helps to remind me that all is not dead in the world, even though so many people seem to be; sleeping yet walking, moving on unknown desires, unfeeling and cold; blind. Music reminds me that not all is lost.

11. Music is hope.

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