
I know I haven’t written in ages, but I’m bavk and so much has happened. I’ve been so focused on my spiritual growth and I even went on a self discovery trip to Israel for 10 days! I’ll write about that in my next entry.

Anyway, for about 5 months now I’ve been dedicated to being a part of a self empowerment class that happens for a few hours twice a month. Since I started I’ve grown emotionally and spiritually by leaps and bounds. My energy work and spiritual practices were put aside when I started my acting career and then transitioned to being a flight attendant. It just wasn’t the right time for me to make it a priority because my life was to chaotic, but now I am in such a peaceful and serene mindset that I can finally focus on it.

So far my psychic senses have become a lot clearer ( Clairvoyance, claircognizance, clairsentience, Clairaudience, and clairguscience ). Especially clairvoyance. It’s never been more clear to me than ever that there are no coincidences and that everything happens for a reason. That everything has a purpose, a gift, meaning, or message, and to be on the lookout for them. I am a leaf on a river. Going with the flow. No longer worrying if there are going to be any rapids or waterfalls, and trusting that everything that is occurring is right where I’m supposed to be. Everything is okay because I’m okay with everything and that gives me such a sense of calm and peace.

I also had a big question answered for me not long ago and it was a huge revelation for me.  My mother mentioned that she and a friend were going to a seminar by a lady named Esther Hicks. She channels her spiritual guide Abraham who speaks through her. I just knew that I had to go and so I asked my mother if she had another ticket and by chance she actually did! 

I had never heard of this woman, watched any of her videos, or read any of her books, yet I was curious. When I have an inclination to do something I must do it. Well it turned out that my mother could not go because she was sick and do I ended up going with her friend Erin. Erin is also my mother’s massage therapist. The interesting about the seminar to me was that it was Abraham speaking through Esther and I had never seen someone channeling in person before. What was even more interesting was that I already knew all the information that was being given. It seemed more like a refresher course for me. Though it was all good stuff, I left feeling a little disappointed because I hadn’t come away feeling like I learned anything new.

Then on the drive home I started wondering how it was that I already knew all of the information being given to us at the seminar. I have never gone out of my way to seek any spiritual guidance through books or YouTube. All of a sudden, it hit me. I WAS getting the information from somewhere! My spiritual guides and teachers! Thoughts that I always assumed were my own were being given to me. I was CHANNELING this whole time. All these years. WITHOUT REALIZING IT. 😱

 Holy shit.

So now that I am aware of this I’m paying close attention to when an idea or thought hits me hard as a solution to something or just a revelation and then saying thank you to my teachers.

On another note, I also just started learning how to tarot card read and I’m actually kind of good at it for a beginner!

I’m just very happy and content with where I am in my growth. 🙂 Alrighty goodnight! 

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