Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

my horoscope for today:Go ahead and indulge, but not to the point where your tummy starts to bulge in an unhealthy way. That is, eat enough but not too much, get plenty of exercise and drink lots of water. Indulge in finding your equilibrium!

my singles love horoscope for today:Go off the deep end of self-indulgence. Do something crazy or buy something you really want — the afterglow of satisfaction will look good to potential love connections.

Well, i definately made sure i didnt indulge too much food, it was soooo good though! I get the whole thanksgiving meal whenever i want really during the year, but something about just working all day to really make it special , making deserts in the kitchen with the aprons all covered in flour, and being with the family all gathered round the table laughing and talking, and saying what we are greatful for, it just gives you a warm feeling. every holiday makes me really happy. well, i dont really count halloween or valentines day , but ones that really mean something. I outdid myself this year when it comes to desert! I made double chocolate pumpkin cheesecake!  First i crushed chocolate gram cracker crums and mized in melted butter for the crust, then i made the batter and devided it into 3 bowls. in 2 of the bowls i added thick melted chocolate, and in the third i added the pumpkin and pumpkin spices! Then i layered them onto the crust and stuck it in the oven. Then, i made the chocolate sauce out of giradelli dark chocolate, and when the cheescake was cooled in the fridge, i poured the chocolate on top and let some drip over the sides. Its my masterpeice! My relatives thought it was an expensive gourmet cake that we bought, and it tasted gormet too! They were so surprised to find out i made it! The cake is so chocolatey rich that we could only eat small slices. and half of it is still in the fridge, but my relatives definately wanted the recipe! They said i could sell a cake like that  easily for 4 dollars a slice! Anywho, after desert, we all watched the terminal, which was a really good movie! I was surprised to find that Tom Hanks plays a foreigner who barely speaks english! Its amazing how many different characters he can play! I love that movie. especially because its a true story 🙂 i love true stories, as long as they turn out happy. ne who ,altogether, i had a wonderful thanksgiving. Tomorrow is my madrigal feast performance and my friend Cara is coming to see it! I am so happy she is. Its really important to me to have one of my best friends there. Im so dissapointed that megan isnt interested in choir stuff. Im really sad because shes never seen any of my concerts ever. and this particular one is really important. But i cant help that shes not really entertained by that kinda stuff. Id rather have someone there that would enjoy it. I love megan though, no hard feelings. ne who i gotta get to bed cus i have to be at the church to get ready by noon to get my hair done! happy thanksgiving everyone!
does that love horoscope mean i should go buy myself something and a guy will be impressed? sheesh! lol

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