Day 6

Day 6

November and I still have the windows open. It makes me very cranky.

Today was a decent day. Got Pippa off to school on time, which sometimes feels like no mean feat. Anika had dance class, which she loves. It was so weird when she came out to put on her tap shoes though. It was like I was looking at Pippa for just a moment. They don’t really look alike, but to me it was a moment of seeing Ani as a big kid instead of a little girl. It doesn’t help that she’s surrounded by kids half her size.

Alan and I are watching The Office. We finished Stranger Things and I realized that one of Pippa’s classmates reminds me of Eleven. Not the buzzed hair and telekinesis bit, but she has a similar face and big brown eyes with a very serious expression.

The time change is killing me this round. The girls are nuts like they’ve forgotten how to sleep entirely.


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November 7, 2017

Oh don’t get me going in the time change. We live in an area where it is completely irrelevant. All it does is

mess up the school kids.