
Day 9

In which we STILL don’t know if Alan can come with us to Vermont.

Honestly, this recruiting gig is for the birds. I am 1000% done and I want to go home. At this point, of course, there’s not really anywhere that meets the definition, but I think almost any Army post would do. Although I’d like someplace that wasn’t brown all the time, so maybe just cut off any possibilities in the southwest.

Our apartment is approximately half a mile from Pippa’s school. Maybe a little less. It’s far from an onerous walk, even allowing for the fact that I hate walking up the hill from the main road to our building. Today we had an older woman stop and offer us a ride. Because it’s cold this morning, I guess? We were by no means underdressed for the weather and Anika took her hat off because she was too warm and I had my coat open and my scarf unwrapped before we got home. And that’s not even a heavy jacket. It was just odd. Kindly meant, I’m sure, but odd. And really, does she happen to have a car seat in her car? Because nope, my three-year-old is not riding with just a seatbelt. The only time I’ve put either of those kids in the car without being properly buckled was driving across a large parking lot when Pippa was a tiny baby and the smoke from the Waldo Canyon fire got so bad while we in the first store that we drove instead of walking. That was the week I was staying with Cassie because our apartment was so close to the evacuation line I didn’t want to take any chances.

Today I’m just getting ready for our weekend in Vermont. Doing laundry, making sure we all have warm enough clothes, putting air in my tires, and getting some extra kitty litter in case Alan is able to come and we need to fill up the second litter box so the cats don’t poop in unpleasant places. Aladdin is doing really well, back to being a complete pest and begging for breakfast and dinner. He’s also cuddling again at nap and bedtime and menacing the dog. He’s thin still, but it’s obviously his intention to get as fat as possible because he’s eating really well. And he just looks healthy and happy.

I’m still super grossed out by the ticks everywhere lately. I got out the bug spray to put on the kids before walking to school because we have to walk through fallen leaves and pine needles, but of course I completely forgot to put it on. I definitely will this afternoon though.

Anyway, time to finish the morning chores.


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November 9, 2017

eeeew ticks! Can’t stand them! I’ve had a friend get really, really ill because of a tick bite. You have to be careful there.