Raining, Pouring, Total Lack of Snoring

I was drowsing over my book, as usual, until I wake up enough for a last trip to the bathroom, snuggle in, and turn off my light. Just as I was drifting off, Alan rolls over on me, elbows me in the head, and begins a never ending chorus of coughing. FML. So I was reduced to tossing and turning and eventually going back to my book, which is where I was when Pippa came in because she had to go potty.

I noticed that she’d been coughing and restless over the monitor and the cough was really bad when she got up. Croupy sounding. 😑 So I gave her a couple puffs of albuterol and got her back to bed, but when I kissed her forehead she was hot. 102.7 oh joy. Add in some ibuprofen and a cool washcloth.

Okay, back to bed. I’ve got the monitor to keep an ear out on her cough.

Nope. No such luck. So now we’re both up watching Doctor Who, which is my go-to can’t sleep show. Hopefully it’ll help Pippa too, because she’s pretty upset about not going to school and gymnastics tomorrow. Funnily enough they’re supposed to be taking a class picture tomorrow for “Attendance Heroes,” and she’ll be absent.

I will say the cat is enjoying this. He’s purring his little head off next to me. Hours and hours of completely uninterrupted Mommy time. Everyone’s favorite.


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December 6, 2017

Ah. So much fun when the entire household falls sick. You have my condolences. Hope it passes quickly!