For Me

I feel like very little of my life since moving here has actually been for me. So today after getting groceries I made some rolls with the leftover mashed potatoes from a couple nights ago. And maybe it’s not strictly for me, since we’re having them for dinner, but it was also not necessary. We have other things we could’ve had for dinner. So this was just because I felt like it. I find bread strangely satisfying to make, even if makes me want to take a sledgehammer to this tiny ass kitchen.

I also bought the fixings for my favorite holiday cookies – white chocolate chips, dried cranberries and cocoa. They always come out soft and chewy and amazing. I’ll probably wait until Saturday to make them.

I’m having a hard time figuring out what to get Anika for Christmas. I’ve got her a Barbie & Ken wedding set already, and I’m replenishing both of their art supplies, but I don’t know what to do for a “Santa” present. Normally we have one present each from Santa, plus the stockings, and one present to share. I’ll either get a big Lego set or a marble run for the sharing present. Ani’s asked for a Hatchimal, but I don’t think she’ll play with it. I think she only wants one because she was with me when I got one for Pippa (who definitely will play with it). I’m drawn to a trundle doll bed from American Girl, but Alan thinks it’s too big. I think she’d use it though. I’ve also thought about getting the doll tent and sleeping bag, which might appeal more to Alan because it can be folded up and put away.

I’m still open to ideas though.

People have asked me what I want and I really don’t know. The only thing I really want is a house, so if anyone feels like working some “Miracle on 34th Street” style magic, I’m open to it.

I hate this recruiting bullshit. We haven’t been here 5 months and I’m itching to get back on post. A lot of people complain about drama from the other wives, but 9 times out of 10 they’re creating it themselves. (I do have a friend who became the subject of some nasty gossip when her husband came home on R&R and her neighbors, who had never met him, thought she was cheating.) Living on post and being apart of that community is unique.

Yesterday as we were sitting in the parking lot before gymnastics, we heard helicopters overhead. Pippa didn’t recognize the sound, even though they went over our house constantly back in Washington. And they sounded so big and so low that I stuck my head out to look and lo and behold it was a couple Chinooks. They flew over our house all the time, sometimes low enough that soldiers would wave to the girls as they played in the backyard.

I’ve been spending a lot of time lately looking at house plans on Pinterest and housing pages for the various Army posts I might like to go to. Wishful thinking. I’m just trying to stay focused on getting through the next few years.


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