The Cruel Stupidity of Our Kind

There are times when I am revolted by my association with humanity and the little everyday cruelties we perpetrate on this world.

My mother came down earlier this week for a visit and to meet our kitten.  On Tuesday we took a walk around Mondo Ponds, a cut-rate nature preserve tucked between our street and Naugatuck Avenue.  When we got to the tiny parking lot at the Naugatuck Ave. entrance, I noticed what looked like a cat carrier stood on its end next to the garbage can.  I didn’t think much of it, other than someone had wanted to throw away the carrier.  Only when I got closer, I saw that it had a mat and toys inside, and on the side of the garbage can away from the street there were two of those "resevoir" style feeders — one with water and one with food.  So much for throwing away the carrier. They threw away their cat.

I went back this morning to see if the cat was still around.  The food was gone, but that doesn’t necessarily mean anything, since raccoons love cat food.  I called and poked around the area for a little while, but the rain progressed from a light drizzle to a steady downpour pretty quickly.

What makes me sick is the utter contempt these people have for life to condemn that poor animal to an agonizing death by starvation or at the mercy of a predator or a car.  I know that the shelters are overcrowded, and that’s a sad state of affairs in itself.  I know that if you call a shelter, the odds are pretty high that they’ll turn you away, but there are ways and ways.  Alan’s boss said that one sure way is to leave the animal at the shelter in the middle of the night.  Awful, but effective.  And this was no half-wild stray.  This was obviously a house pet that would have been very adoptable.  Yet the poor thing gets thrown out in the woods.

Can you imagine what that animal must have gone through as it sat in its carrier with the door half open in a strange, frightening place and watched the people it depended on just drive away?  It must have been so confused.

It would have been far better to take the animal to the vet and have it put down quickly and mercifully than to subject it to the kind of distress and pain it must be feeling.

I can only hope that someone in one of the nearby condos found it and took it in.

I’m a strong, practical person, but when I look at Karma and Aladdin and think of the kind of person who could do that… My heart breaks a thousand times over.


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That makes me so heart broken. I’m such a sucker for animals that are abandoned. Just keep checking back and see if you can find anything. The cat might be lurking in bushes afraid to come out. traumatized. Maybe you can take it to a local shelter.

November 13, 2008

Hmm… I’m considering why someone would “throw away” a cat. Of course I want to say that they are being selfish. On the other hand, what if the cat was really sick and they couldn’t afford to keep it or what if they took in a wild cat, instead of a shelter cat, and it was too wild?

I don’t understand why so many people think pets are disposable. Even putting an ad on Craigslist or somewhere is better than just dumping an unwanted animal. All of our pets are permanent members of the family, I couldn’t imagine ever getting rid of any of them.

It doesn’t matter if the cat was really sick or not. They should’ve taken it to a vet and said I can’t afford to keep it. There’s no excuse for it. RYN: Im glad that you think it’s beautiful and all. But I for one think there are a probably a lot of other people doing the same thing and keeping their mouth shut. The fact that it’s being called a man having a baby makes me sick. Have a good weekend. Give the kitten some sugar for me 🙂

November 14, 2008

This made me cry. I really f*cking hate humanity, especially in regards to what we do to animals. It makes me so f*cking sick. If I could kill people who did such things, I would, with my BARE HANDS. Sigh. Sorry. Stuff like this gets me worked up. *HUGE HUGE HUGE HGUE HUGE HUGE HUGE HUGE HGUE HUGE HUGE HUGE HUGE HUgE HUGS*

November 16, 2008

I wasn’t making an excuses. I was just considering the possibility of how it is someone could come to throw away a cat.