August 25, 1992

8:35 am

Whew! It’s been almost a month since I last wrote. Now Kevin and I are in our trailor, and I’m in school. we’re still planning to get married in February. Yesterday Kevin went bought a bed, and his father had a frame and a headboard, so we now have a place to sleep. I’m laying here with Ricky (my cat) and waiting for Kevin to get home. (We’re moving the rest of our shit today.) It’s a wonderful trailor, and my kitchen is something else! Yesterday I made some pea soup for dinner in the crock-pot I bought ages ago. We have almost all our furniture, except for a table and chair set, but we are working on that. Not much to unpack, I’ll probably have it done this week. So much space!! Now the big news!! I may be PREGNANT! Hell, I want a baby SO bad! In all honesty, lately we have been trying, so I would almost bet I am. We shall soon see, Jane told me that if I don’t have my period by Sept. 16th, to come in for a pregnancy test. Oh yeah, we’re ordering my wedding rings this week, and some time in the next few weeks, Kevin is announcing to all (his Dad too!) that we’re engaged.


August 30, 1992

Whew, it’s been a day! 2 days actually. Kevin and I played match-maker with his friend Ed and my friend Lori. And I guess they hit if off okay. They have a date on Friday. And Saturday we are all going to the fair. I’m happy for them. Lori and I recently became friends, and we get along REALLY good. She’s my age (close) and our birthdays are a day apart. Celebrate!!

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