Feeling so yucky…

Well, I’m still sick. I went to the doctor on Tuesday and he gave me antibiotics and allegra. I guess they helped a little bit, but now everything has settled in my chest. I was up at 3:16am coughing away. I finally gave in and took some prescription cough syrup. It worked like a miracle drug and I got some non-coughing rest, but of course was unfit for driving to work this morning. So here I am, writing this from an old webtv box as our computer did not STAY repaired. I’ve got two sick computers in spite of the fact I’m married to a network engineer. Go figure. Anyway, at least I’ve got this, slow and ugly as it is.

I also got a (very painful) mamogram on Tuesday. I can never quite believe the way they smash your breast in there… it just seems like such a primative way to do a test. My breasts still hurt even thinking about it. I had to do the verticle pictures twice on each breasts because the first round didn’t come out. Honestly, it’s Thursday and my breasts are still sore.

Nothing much exciting is going on here (yet). This week-end we’re expecting some good stuff. I think my brother is coming to visit. My husband is having his annual Memorial Day BBQ. This is a huge shibang where we get picnic permits for a special spot in the forest preserves and in good weather he gets about 60+ guests. He invites just about everybody he’s ever known and new people he’s met, so it grows every year. He’s been doing this every Memorial Day and Labor Day for over 20 years. Some of these people only get together those two times and catch up. It got even huge-er after his highschool reunion. He’s a great gregarious guy… very unlike me in that respect (which is good, otherwise we’d both be hermits).

Then, of course, Sunday will be the big all-church meeting where the Board will (presumably) be sharing the undramatized but unshaded truth about what our Pastor did in taking the money. I hope they don’t back-peddle or withhold the actual dollars and cents (although I understand all documents will be available for the members to see, but they will not be distributed.) What the Pastor did I believe is actually illegal but I think that that should not come into play if the church does not choose to press charges. I just don’t know. Once it is spoken publicly, I’m afraid the IRS may get involved and that could get ugly. Whatever the case, I believe we should NOT press charges, especially if (as I have heard) he intends or is trying to repay the debt and make restitution. I don’t believe we should re-instate him as Pastor, however. Not at THIS time, at least. At any rate, once the Illinois leader of our church goes through everything, he may end up with his credentials revoked, so it wouldn’t be up to our members anyway. This stuff isn’t “fun” (as I mentioned above that there will be fun this week), but what it is, is relief! Having the truth out will be immense relief.

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May 27, 2004

Sorry to hear you’re still sick…that’s no fun! I know what you mean about mammograms…not terribly painful but sure uncomfortable. This day and age you’d think they could come up with a better way. Sounds like a great Memorial Day for you coming up with the big picnic! Enjoy! 🙂

Eryssa? I’m just wondering IF you are the Eryssa I used to read? I had that picture with the fire and dear on my computer for a longggggg Not sure if you remember me? You don’t accept private notes, so I won’t leave *who* I used to be..

Having the truth out is always an immense relief. Even to those who’d rather it didn’t come out, I believe. Glad to read you have some fun coming up!

wait, I added you to my favs! Now you can read all, Smiles

Hey, Here is how to change your notes Go to diary maintenance under My diary above Go to Private Settings Down to private notes Press, accept private notes. You can also make favs only entries smile

Ha, Sniffs. ROFL I just realized that I pressed the PRIVATE notes box, without even realizing that YOU have already done it. OMG……..am I a nut or what? LOL Have a wonderful day!

Aawwwwwwwwww Sweetie! THANKYOU so much for reading through my entries. I actually deleted my entire fancy diary and took 4 mths off after I moved into my new house in October 2003 I’ve had a rough time with some of his gal pals in here, so I was truly glad when they came out with favs only and private notes. RYN: No, I let him keep the other house…I miss it…sometimes