No Help for Us…

I’ve been surfing the web and, in the past, have found so many to read about when it came to the trials I was going through.  Today, though, I can’t find much support for victims of evil pastors.  There’s a little bit out there, but not healing pieces.

How do we get through this?  How do I get through this?

I did have lunch with the pastor’s wife on Wednesday.  I prayed to practically the point of  sweating prior to that.  There is so much that I must keep in confidence.  But God was my verbal coach and He had me discuss the gut-wrenching idolatry that surfaced in the meeting. (Odd how the day after my meeting with her, he called Pastor B. and said he wanted to call a members meeting to discuss his “transition back into the ministry of the church..”  I’ll bet that the points I brought up will be addressed.  Ah, it makes me physically sick to my stomach.

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June 18, 2004

Hello. I found you randomly. I don’t really understand too much of what you’re talking about but keep up your faith in God. He’s always there to listen!

June 18, 2004

oh my gosh, thank you for all of your notes. 🙂 nice to meet you!

June 18, 2004

I don’t know the whole circumstance you are in but I found a book very helpful when I was experiencing “Pastor abuse.” The book is called: The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse by David Johnson w/Jeff Vanvonderen

Awww geee. This is a very deep rooted issue. I hope you find some peace soon!!! Hugs

June 19, 2004