The Day After Tommorrow

We went to see that movie yesterday. The special effects were phenominal but the script was unforgivably bad! I loved the tornados and blizzards and hail pounding down from the sky and there were lots of thrilling moments from the start, but -argghh- the dialogue and plot we had to put up with was torturous! And it was eerily similar to that earthquake miniseries that ran on tv a few weeks ago… only, on tv, you can forgive a hoaky script like that one. Oh, it was painful at moments. I don’t have enough thumbs to point down on that script.

On the other hand, if you like big disaster films, (and who doesn’t?), it would be hard to beat the visuals in this thing. Man, that was fun. You just can’t beat 4 tornadoes bearing down on L.A., you know. Or a wall of water rushing down an NYC street. It was great.

Other things done yesterday: Well, I had to work on a document that the president of the church board will be using for that meeting on Sunday night, where the members are told the details about Pastor’s error. It just gets worse and worse, with him trying to cover things up, even as recently as this past March (when the truth was already half out to the board). This would be so much easier if he would just admit it fully and not keep trying to justify it and/or cover it up. Plus, this had been going on since early 2002 (and maybe before).

Also yesterday, my daughter and son-in-law took us out for dinner at Magianos. They have no money, but she was given quite few gift certificates as she’s pre-school teacher and the summer has just begun. They wanted to treat us to an “appreciation dinner.” We all had a good time and ate well.

Other than that, I’m still sick but feeling a bit better.

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Ohh.. I really do wanna see that movie. Muahaha, it’s funny though how the script sucks major ass mongrels. But the effects look incredable.

So tomorrow is the big day. What an appropriate title for this entry. What deep wounds these errors are going to bring. At least at church we can talk about the one who heals those wounds.

May 29, 2004

Hmmmmmmmmmm Hope you are feeling much better! And, wondering what? the pastor did?