April 27th, 2018 {SB}

As a little context for you (and I have no idea why) but I go through this entire night with “Color Me Blind” by Extreme echoing through my skull.  I whistle it. I sing it here and there.  Dunno why.

At any rate, I arrive to see a rather dreary looking parking lot, but the day outside is gorgeous for the first time since winter, really, so I’m not horrendously shocked by this.  Still, I go get my cash and prepare to settle in for a quiet night at the service bar, with Jerry the Older riding shotgun. I’ve had a broken back myself, so I sympathize with his pain levels and this’ll be a good way for him to settle back into a busier routine at least.

The first few hours are dreadfully slow. We probably spend more time chatting between ourselves, and talking to Mary now and then, than actually selling much alcohol.  He apparently just had his initial court date to set up the time/date for his official hearing about his drunk driving case. He’s not planning on arguing about it, either. He just wants to pay his fine, put the past behind him, and not make that mistake again, which I can respect.

I go off for dinner at one point. Mostly I just watch some YouTube rather than eat. Then he and Mary go off to eat after I return. (They’re not an item or anything, just friends). Meanwhile, I’m struggling to stay awake as I didn’t get much sleep the night before.  I finally cry uncle around 9:30pm, and since we have a second guy behind the bar, I take my second break early so that I can just grab a power nap.  I set the alarm on my phone, curl up on a chair in the employee locker room, and pass the fuck out.

I totally slept through the alarm, too. It’s just lucky happenstance that I woke up roughly when I needed to anyways, but it was what I needed. The pace has picked up when I return, and between my nap and just being busy, I I have enough gas in the tanks to do the remainder of the night without issue.  Not too long after that, Jerry the Older goes and does his second break, and then starts packing up to go about half an hour later. The pain levels were just too muhch and I he needed to get some of the more potent pain meds into his system that he can’t have at work. I can sympethize. A lot.

The remaining couple of hours were pretty steady and that was good.  I kept track of everyone and got my head woken and didn’t have any other problems for the remainder of the night, thankfully.


Closing observations :

  • It’s possible that Jerry’s recovery time may mean extra shifts for me, but given the other barkeep who was out returns next week, probably it won’t affect my time that much.
  • For a slow night with two guys behind the service bar, money really wasn’t that bad, and the people I served were decent folks. No real complaint.


Next up : Saturday

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