January 9th, 2021

Just a quick one today.

It was another night at the service bar, which – typically I don’t mind, really.

Our third regular barkeep called in for the second night in a row. Speculation runs rampant.


On the whole, the idiot count was down a bit from last night, and honestly, probably people were -slightly- less stingy, but they were still driving me up the wall half the night. (Pro tip – if you want three drinks. Order three drinks. Don’t order one. Then when I come back, do the ‘Oh, and I want this’ thing. Repeatedly. Good gods.) I actually came to work in a super good mood after taking in the first of four planned Saturday virtual concerts by Avatar, a Swedish metal band I discovered in early 2020. The show was … amazing. If you like that style of music? Oh yeah. This is so for you.




Just saying.

I did have to deal with one of my regulars. I’d actually been kind of dreading this since the nonsense on Wednesday. He’s very conservative. Not -quite- drank-all-the-Trump-koolaid, but certainly consumed a healthy dose of it. I got through it by simply not commenting when he was spouting the things patently already disproved a thousand times, and agreeing only with comments arguably true, like “He should just back off and lay low if he wants to have another chance.” True statement I’d say. It’s not going to happen, but as far as strategic thoughts go, yes. That would be the smart thing.

I think you see the logical problem there. See Shrek 2, and the conversation about having the right to remain silent but lacking the capacity.


Once the crowd tapered and I actually had a moment to think again, the stress level settled down again. Money was… not amazing, but certainly better than the night before so. Hey.  Decent money. I didn’t throw anything at anybody. Calling it a win.


Take it easy, folks.

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