Monday – April 30th, 2012

Last day of the month – and a second month in a row of perfect attendance. Woot.

It was a pretty quiet Monday, though. Thanks to the short power nap I took earlier, I arrived feeling fairly rested and coherent, and got down to business without any real hassles. Being Monday, I set up the TVs so that we’d have Hockey on the big screen for the Stanley Cup playoffs, plus some other misc. sports, and the wrasslin’ on couple of TVs as well (though it’s wall-to-wall NCIS prior to that – which is all right too.)

Supervising tonight was our former senior barkeep, which is always interesting, but she was largely off doing other things, which is fine by me.  Dinner was some excellent catfish.

The pace overall was pretty slow. The CEO stopped down for a bit as he often does. I cleaned off a bunch of windows and glass while working. I even took my second break a bit early and sat outside with a snack, streaming in Netflix on my phone while I ate.

Had the worst migraine when I came back inside, though.  I literally turned off all my lights just so it wouldn’t glare off the stainless steel. I had the devil’s own time getting to the end of the shift without turning my head floor-ward just to keep the pain at bay.  Plus it was inventory night too, so that made for a bit of extra time packing up.

Still – it all got done in reasonable time, and I was only 15 minutes late getting out of the bar. Plus – my perfect attendance perk from March finally arrived – which basically amounts to 5 free dinners in the employee break room. That’s a score.




Next up : Tuesday night

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