Saturday – April 28th, 2012

As I sat down in the van to drive to work on Saturday, one single thought crossed my mind: “Is it sad that this is the first time I’ve sat down all day?”

Yes…. yes it is.

I did get in to work on time though, despite my body’s best efforts at simply shutting down and going into unconscious mode. It was a good couple of hours though before I really broke through the wall and got my second wind going.

We had White Shirt Guy running the 4pm barkeep’s slot, which was OK.

Things however, got crazy very quickly.  A 40head bachelorette party rolled in. Thankfully they were just marking time until their ‘party bus’ got there, but it was a big enough thing that our GM spazzed on us about it

They did finally bugger off around 8pm though, before the band got started – so we were able to relax a bit.

Their second night was a bit different from their first, but still quite a good show.  I’m definitely going to look forward to their next visit on Labor day weekend.

As far as anything special goes, the night was pretty mundane, really. Steady enough to keep from being bored, slow enough that we weren’t panicking to keep track of people. All in all – no real complaints, despite the rapid-fire start.


Closing Observations :

  • Having chatted with now 2-3 of the band members – I want them back even more now.
  • Miniskirts were sadly in short supply – at least during limbo.




Next up : Monday night

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