–and then I melted


 Maddie is starting to get quite the little attitude on her. I laugh when she says something snotty to me because I know at some point, she heard it from me and that is how she learned it. 

A few nights ago, I told her to eat her dinner. She was repeatedly getting down from the table and running around. I said, "Maddie, you need to get back to the table and finish your dinner please." Her response?

"Just chill, mama. Chill." 

Or 2 nights ago, pushing her on her tricycle in front of our house. She got off it and started just spinning the pedals. I asked her to get back on so we could finish her bike ride. Her response?

"Have patience with me!"

It has all made me very acutely aware of what I say to her, and how I say it. 

Last night, tucking her in to bed, I kissed her forehead, gave her a hug and told her I love her. Her response?

"I love you too. You’re my very precious baby. You’re so special to me."

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awww. đŸ™‚

April 21, 2010

hahaha. just chill!

April 21, 2010

aww she sounds cute!

April 22, 2010

AWW! Omg, so sweet! đŸ™‚

April 23, 2010

oh my Lord in heaven. that is wonderful! it must just kill you to hear sweet words like that come out of her mouth. on the other hand, it must also make you die laughing to hear the other phrases. chill? that’s awesome. i especially love that she’s using these things in context. đŸ™‚ i love her.

July 20, 2010

Enjoy every second~~They grow way to fast~ I would like to be added to your reading list~~ Beautiful photos on Your Best Shot Post~ Laura