Dreams and nightmares

Her voice long ago stamped a memory now struck him like a hammer. The simple calling of his name seized him with alarm and fright but not hope. He had abandoned that years ago. Yet now with hurried strides he curled up the terrain snake like between gamboling vine, bramble and sapling alders that stretched diagonally towards the last dregs of sunlight before day thieved away again. The sky was shot through with pink copper light and he broke through their shafts as he made his way to the abandoned meadow.
There upon the floor was her form, her chest faintly expanding and contracting with air. He was bewildered and looked about before drawing closer. Was this a ruse to draw him in? Someone preying on him? He could not be sure yet here she was.
Was it her? His beloved, his heart of hearts?
He wanted it to be. So many times he would close his eyes at night and beg that this was an elaborate nightmare. But upon the morrow the true nightmare would set it’s grain within him and his lonesome day would begin again.
Crouching down before her he reached with a trembling hand to draw back the loam caked locks only to reveal the truth. It was her.
“Echolark” The name was whisper thin, looking past her he saw the grave, the earth itself dug from within for her escape. There was no time for answers, he needed to bring her someplace safe. In the distance he saw lights and the soft timpani of voices and laughter. He carefully drew her body up in his arms, loam smearing his burlap cloak and began walking.
It was not long before the sounds of the tavern’s crowd was thick with laughter, clinking of wine glasses and the baritone clang of ale tankards. The door came free of it’s stout frame and swung open to frame the pair in the day’s retreat. The crowd within went silent, his face albeit absent was well known and the tavern keeper came from behind the bar, his red locks now marked with grey and greeted him with a simple nod. He looked to Echolark and recognized her and he could not look away.
” Our arrangement still stands I hope ” Nae’ril said, his eyes catching the frenetic dance of the fireplace. Winter would be at it’s end soon, rain would be thick as would life.
” As always, never forget what you did for Emma. “
” I will need a warm bath, fresh linens.” He requested humbly.
The tavern keeper motioned to the 2nd floor bedroom at the end and with that he took her up, the staff moving with haste ahead of him to prepare the room.
So many things were tumbling through his mind, he hoped this wasn’t a dream or the wake would be the stuff of nightmares.
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