

Kenzie scared the living daylights out of me this morning. She’s never (and I mean NEVER) ventured out of bed before I was awake. She’s been a great sleeper. This morning (20 minutes before my alarm…thank you) I’m happily asleep and I guess I heard her and I turned over to see a small shadowed figure about 6 inches from my face. Of course I about jumped out of my skin and "Jesus Mary and Joseph"ed loud enough to wake up Pat. He thought I was having a bad dream so he tried to calm me. I figured it out pretty quick and rolled back over and grabbed her up onto the bed for a snuggle. Geez…I don’t think my heart has worked that hard in a long time. Pat just laid there and chuckled. So. Not. Funny. (But seriously funny). 

On that note…I have started my day with Hot Chocolate…I’m going to need the caffeine today…suck out all of my adrenaline and you end up with crabby Kat.

She had her eye doctor appointment on Thursday. Baby girl has to get bifocals…she’s only 4. She’s not losing her vision, but it’s not getting much better.

She also had her well check yesterday. One shot. No tears. That’s my girl!

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Bifocals aren’t a big deal, I worked my way out of them over the course of 5 years or so.

September 21, 2013

Omg Emily is stealth like that and it used to freak me out too. Rob just sleeps through it :0/ my Mom had bifocals early too.

RYN: That’s kind of a great pickup line.

Thanks for your note. Fiona is definitely one of my all time favorites. :]

Just read one of your older entries. Are you from Illinois?

September 22, 2013

Kids be all kinds of freaky-stealthy like that. I’m sure she’ll look cute, whether she has bifocals or not. And personality to boot. 🙂

RYN: Ah, ok. I’m in/from central IL. :]

All my kids have done that to me. It is better that they come to find you….worse when they decide to ‘take care of themselves’.