Music on the Moon (unfaked version)

Music, ah yeah music. From 40,000 years ago. Used to love this stuff. Captured every fibre of my being. Prefer to remember any version of the story that does not include it all being folly. Look at it that way and what do you have?

I suppose it would be around some point that I didn’t know where it was going. I guess these people were all professionals in some capacity. Byproducts of capitalism at least as much as other things. Maybe not all grandiose geniuses. Angels with transformative powers.

Who knows the extent of it, but I didn’t see that side of it. I’d probably have to struggle to remember all that I saw in it. I did see that it wasn’t part of my existence as I’d known it up to some point. I couldn’t stand the hypocrisy of the things I identified with myself.

Ah well. Long time ago and far away.

Listening to music from 1972, if you’re wondering. Absurd how delusional I can still become looking back on it and also the dispiritedness I approach it with now. All pointless and irrelevant to original intent.

Anyhow its fun having some rudimentary remains of talent now.

Good err… grief. It’s all good… It’s all good…



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