
I am so angry, I have written anything in years, life simply got in the way…and now here I am alone and in pain and turning back to one thing that got me through my life, writing. I have never done drugs and once sex was a addicition, I have hurt so many people in my life, simply stepped over them like stepping stones.

I gave birth to my son and everything changed, my personality, my sense of right and wrong, my everything. I grew up, I commited to one man, I decided to let myself love, and finally open up, God what a mistake. Now I see I gave the wrong people my trust and those I discarded those were who truly deserved…I hurt. i never hurt, I never let the hurt and anger of my life touch me, I hold myself apart. Now all I can do is clutch my chest and pray no one can see the blood oozeing from my heart.

I’m a proud person, I am difficult and rude and sometimes uncaring, but I loved him..I loved my husband with every fiber of my being….I adored him, and I thought he loved me, I thought he cared about me, that I was for once special to someone, someone wanted just me.

That was a lie. I have a 3 year old son, I have given 4 years to this man, my soul and he threw it away on 5 minutes of pleasure??? I know that sex is not the same as love, but if you love someone the way he says he loves me you can’t do that!!!

My anger is seething….I can’t begin to scream loud enough to show how much I hurt.

Why do I have to explain to my baby why daddy doesn’t live here anymore?

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November 25, 2008

I truly hope you feel better *hugs* I don’t think there will be any explanation to help justify your hurt feelings. Be strong!

November 25, 2008

im just a random noter, but im really sorry to hear what has happened 🙁 continue to write if its the one thing that is helping right now xxx

November 26, 2008

It’s awful this happened to you. There’s nothing wrong with you seething with anger. But if you’re willing to TRY to make it work again.. I cheated once.. and it was because the relationship I was in had issues that we never discussed and therefore never fixed. I realize I don’t know you or your situation, but maybe there was a reason behind it?

January 22, 2009

sorry about that. But i don’t remember who you are. thanks for the congrats though.

I just spent 2 hours reading this entire diary. I don’t remember much of the past… thank you for keeping a history of what we had… and what we lost… as I approach 30… I feel old… I don’t remember who I was… what I had.. back then. It all seems to be a dream Kelli. I am sorry for everything… I hope this finds you well. Text me sometime.. 910-352-0815 -Dennis