Holiday Blues?

Been feeling for blah, meh and blue lately. I know some of it is due to the weather (cloudy and icy), some due to the Shane situation and some due to the holidays. I got into an argument with my sister last night. We were at the mall. My niece is still MIA but she’d called my Dad and asked him to ask my sister for the stuff she left at my sister’s house. I told my sister that she should have told my Dad that if my niece wanted her stuff to call my sister and ask her for it. My niece hasn’t been talking to my sister and not responding to her texts etc. My sister thought I was being “critical” of her and the fight was on. I finally said that I was sorry I’d said anything and my sister said “do you want to go to such and such store?” I said “no” that I wanted to go home.” and left the mall. ***MEH****

Still haven’t heard from Shane, not that I expected to, if I do hear from him it won’t be until January, as we agreed. But I wouldn’t be surprised if I never hear from him. I’ve been trying to decide what I’d say is if I did hear from him. One day it’s “fuck off, douche-bag” and the next day it’s “oh, no, Shane we can work it out!” I swear I’m so psycho at times. oh well it is what is.

Have most of my Christmas shopping done except for my stepbrother’s little girls. I texted my sister in law twice asking for ideas but she never responded. 🙁 oh well again it is what it is.

Other than that things are ok i guess. *****shrug******

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Holidays can be SO stressful. We are usually alone at this time of year because of that. I don’t understand Shane. I hope you do end up having a nice Christmas in the end…

December 22, 2013

I’m sure you and your sister will be fine. Stay strong re Shane. You deserve someone who will treat you the way you deserve to be treated. I hope you end up having a lovely Christmas!

December 26, 2013

I’m echoing SoCalGal’s sentiments. Stay strong.