Not a good start to the day

Had trouble sleeping last night. Don’t know why. Seems like I tossed and turned all night. First I was hot then I’d throw off the covers and get cold. ALL NIGHT LONG (and not a good night long).

Then I went to go to work and my freaking car wouldn’t start. I was at Dustin’s and guess where my jumper cables were? Yah, my garage (that’s a good place for them, am I right?). So Dustin took me to my house to get them back to his house and we jumped my car. It even started up when I left work. I think maybe I didn’t close my car door good or is it well.

Fortunately, work was ok. Not a good or bad day or just an average day. The weather was nice today. Started out cool but ended up warm and sunny. A perfect fall day. Dinner was bacon, bean and spinach soup and hot dogs wrapped in crescent rolls. Surprising good. Now it’s time for sleep and hopefully I’ll sleep better today than I did last night.

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